Sacred Cow #9: Separation of Church and State
The myth of separation of church and state has been prevalent for over 60 years now…
The myth of separation of church and state has been prevalent for over 60 years now…
…I kept coming across things that really showed it to be true, that in fact, we do stone our prophets…
Sacred Cow #8: Mormons Don’t Stone Their Prophets Read More »
What is a sacred cow? My definition is anything that is believed based only on tradition, and has little to zero basis on actual fact. These beliefs are held so strongly that the “worshiper” declares “blasphemy!” to anyone that challenges said belief. Sacred Cow #6: Mormons don’t perform human sacrifices I was reading in Jeremiah
Sacred Cow #6: Mormons don’t perform human sacrifices Read More »
Nothing pleases Satan more than the attitude that “It’s too late” or “It is ‘prophecy’ so there is nothing we can do”. This attitude takes Satan’s most powerful enemy’s (holders of the Priesthood) out of the picture.
Should we support Latter-day Saint candidates simply because they are LDS?