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Building A Zion Society Today

The Order of Enoch Brigham Young 9th of October 1872, Journal of Discourses 15:219 Suppose we should examine a city in a stake of Zion conducted after the order of Enoch! We would like to look, for a few moments, upon the facts as they would exist. If a people were gathered together, were they […]

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Christ with Mary and Martha

Debunking Polygamy Denial

There is a small, pernicious, yet screeching contingency of neo-Reorganites (followers of the RLDS/Community of Christ)/those that reject the gospel truths revealed during Nauvoo, trying to deceive followers of the restored Gospel into thinking Joseph Smith did not restore the scriptural principle of plural marriage. If you, or loved ones, have fallen for this anti

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Who is a Prophet?

(This consists of excerpts from the correspondence from a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to his Bishop and Stake President. Faithful Saints does not know who wrote the letters, as the writings were found among a stack of other booklets and pamphlets and are shared in the interest of the

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